When Canada’s prostitution laws were ruled unconstitutional in 2013, John Cassells joined many other voices, across Canada, in speaking about the further harm that fully legalized prostitution would bring. The message was simple: Removing prohibitions on prostitution increases demand for prostituted girls and women, leading to higher rates of exploitation.
On December 6th, 2014, the federal government responded with new legislation called Protection Of Communities And Exploited Persons Act – Bill C-36. The legislation is comprehensive strategy to combat the violence and exploitation occurring in the sex trade. It is designed to decrease the demand for paid sex by prohibiting the purchase of sexual services. The legislation also added more protections for young people trafficked in the sex trade. John has written several articles to help Canadians understand the potential impact of the new laws. Read the Globe & Mail’s overview of the legislation.
While Bill C-36 gave us great potential to see a reduction in the number of young people lured into the sex trade, our provinces and municipalities remain confused or simply uninterested. There is much to be done!
For current articles and developments related to Bill C-36 and sex industry exploitation in Canada, see our Stop The Exploitation page on Facebook.